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If you wish to be considered for a TERO position you must first submit a "Referral Request" with the TERO office to be placed on the Trade/Craft list you qualify for, referrals will be made from this list upon Contractors/Employers need. To increase your chances of getting hired, you must qualify in the occupation you select.
Option 1: Click here to submit online>
you must then complete the required TERO Orientation. You then will be issued a "Referral Card" which allows you visit active job sites for in-person interview.
Option 2: Click on button below to request a paper form. Print & return to TERO Office located in the Acoma Community Development Building located behind Post Office (enter from west side). You will be required to complete TERO Orientation and then be issued a Referral Card which will allow you to visit active job sites for in-person interview. Due to Covid-19 Protocols, face coverings will be required to enter TERO Office.
* Solving employment problems with employers.
* Address problems regarding wage & hourly laws.
* Assist with violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
* Assist with violations of EEOC - discrimination based on sex, national origin, color, religion, and race.
* Violation of age discrimination under the Employment Act of 1967.
* Violations of the Equal Pay Act.
* Violations of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
* Other unlawful employment practices such as sexual harassment, constructive discharge, passed over promotions, etc.
If you think your problem is within our jurisdiction, you should contact the TERO Office and if employed, do not quit your job! If terminated, contact us immediately. If TERO cannot assist or answer your question we may refer you to another agency such as: Legal Services, EEOC, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), U.S. Dept. of Labor/Wage & Hour Division.
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