What is TERO?
T.E.R.O. Is the acronym for Tribal Employments Rights Office (TERO). This office was established by the Acoma Tribal Council on August 8, 2016 by Resolution # TC-AUG-08-16-VIc. The law was enacted to create employment and training opportunities for Native Americans and to instruct private sector employers doing business, with, or on & near the Pueblo of Acoma boundaries to give employment and promotional preference to Native Americans. TERO also works on behalf of the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) and is authorized to handle charges of alleged violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act regarding discrimination.
In the past, Employers/Contractors who performed work with & on Acoma Lands did not give hiring preference to Native Americans, bringing in non-Native American members to do the work, leaving qualified Native Americans without jobs. By adopting the TERO Ordinance, the Acoma Tribal Council helps protect these jobs and the rights of Native American employees against unlawful actions taken by Contractors/Employers doing business with & on Tribal Lands.